EDR/MDR Services

What are EDR/MDR Services?

EDR/MDR Services, or Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Managed Detection and Response (MDR), are two types of cybersecurity services that can help businesses protect their networks from cyberattacks while ensuring compliance with security standards. EDR and MDR are two different but complementary solutions that can help organizations achieve this goal. EDR is the baseline monitoring and threat detection tool for endpoints and the foundation for every Cyber Security strategy. MDR rapidly identifies and limits the impact of threats without the need for constant human monitoring.


EDR/MDR Services can also help organizations reduce the complexity and cost of managing their own security operations, as well as meet the requirements of various regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

This technology monitors and analyzes the activity of devices connected to a network, such as laptops, smartphones, or servers.

Monitoring Endpoints

A software solution that monitors endpoints (such as laptops, desktops, servers, etc.) for suspicious activities and alerts security teams of potential threats.

Respond to Endpoints

Enables security teams to investigate and respond to incidents.


Allows for an AhelioTech technician to troubleshoot using the tools and data provided by the EDR software.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

This is a service that provides 24/7 monitoring and remediation by a team of experts.


A service that provides 24/7 monitoring, analysis, and response to cyber incidents by a team of experts.

Detect & Respond

Leverages advanced technologies and human intelligence to detect and respond to threats that may evade EDR solutions.

Improve Your Security

Provides guidance and recommendations to improve the security posture and maturity of your organization.

Want to Know More about our EDR/MDR Services?

For more information as to how EDR/MDR Services can benefit your business, contact AhelioTech today.  AhelioTech is a leading provider of EDR and MDR solutions to secure your endpoints and network from cyber threats.